I was thinking while running (something to take the place of, dying while running), and I started to think about life as a housewife.
My thoughts finally rested on the truth that puts so many women like me over the edge.....
"Life as a housewife, is competitive!"
Let's face it friends, if you aren't canning fruit and vegetables, teaching your kid how to recite the ABC's and count to 20 (and beyond), strictly enforcing bed times and nap times, putting make-up on, fitting into cute little clothing items, having dinner on the table at an appropriate time, running a few miles a day, creating delectable treats for breakfast/lunch/dinner, planning fun trips and events for your family, meeting up with girlfriends with hot baked goods in tow, raising children who are "paci", tantrum, and bottle free, crawling at 6 months, walking by 9 months, sleeping through the night, and sitting perfectly in public settings, and whatever else you can think of that you have ever been under pressure to achieve, YOU AREN'T IN THE CLUB! You know that club...the one where you are NEVER in. That club with those people who do not exist, who do all of the aforementioned things without even breaking a sweat! The most famous club in the world?!?!
Just the other day, I felt the need to write about all of the wonderful things I had done that day. It is fun to showoff a little, right? It is ok to show off just a little. I felt satisfied after I wrote it, "Like everyone now knows what I do in a day!" Let's try to be honest. What causes this NEED to be perfect? What makes us write on Facebook or some other social media device, how wonderful our lives are, how accomplished we are, what we are good at, what are kids are better than your kids at, what we are cooking for dinner, how much weight we lost, who loves us, who we love, etc.??? A more important question is: Where did it all come from? How did we tell people how wonderful we were and record the accomplishes of our children before social media?
I feel bad for women these days. With Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, movies and magazines, we don't have a chance to ever get it "right". We are always one step behind that woman we think has it all! One leap behind the girl who seems so happily "with it". A mile behind the mom who seems to know all of the answers. I'm whining, but, "It isn't fair!"
As women, we should be encouraging each other. We are in this TOGETHER ladies! Stop picking on each other, and judging each other, and making each other feel bad because they aren't doing exactly what parenting technique you think you patented!! And if you feel like the resident expert, share your thoughts, knowing they aren't Gospel, unless they are, of course, Gospel. The only advice we should be giving each other matter-of-factly, are Gospel truths that build each other up. As stated above, we have enough pressure without our sisters around us tearing us up.
The Bible gives many examples of individuals who had the strength of character to resist the pressure to conform.
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon made a large image that exalted his kingdom, then ordered everyone to bow down to it. Three young captive Hebrews vowed that they would not worship the image, even if all others did.
The king had warned that if anybody did not bow down to the image, they would be thrown into a blazing furnace. But no such threat could alter the convictions of the three young Hebrews. They answered without hesitation:
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace
the God we serve is able to save us from it,...
But even if he does not, we want you to know,
O king, that we will not serve your gods
or worship the image of gold you have set up."
--Daniel 3:16-18
the God we serve is able to save us from it,...
But even if he does not, we want you to know,
O king, that we will not serve your gods
or worship the image of gold you have set up."
--Daniel 3:16-18
These guys were willing to die before they conformed to what everyone else was doing. They knew their God, the God of the universe, was capable of rescuing them. The most amazing thing about this situation for me, is that even if God did not save their lives, they were still not going to do what everyone else was doing in worshiping the idol.
These guys had an actual tangible idol they were working to avoid worshiping, but what about all of the idols WE worship? They are in our lives whether we want to acknowledge them or not. God wants them out so He can rescue you! He wants them out because serving Him is the only way out of the tangled web of wanting to be perfect and spending energy convincing everyone you are. There is no such thing as "good enough".
When the men of the Bible asked Jesus what the greatest commandment of the law is, Jesus replied without hesitation or reservation:
When the men of the Bible asked Jesus what the greatest commandment of the law is, Jesus replied without hesitation or reservation:
"Love the Lord Your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments."
Matthew 22: 36-40I love the way Jesus answers here. He calls us to worship Him, but paired with the greatest commandment, is a calling to LOVE each other! He didn't say "love me and (Insert here)." God just wants you to worship Him, and love each other! Stop being so hard on yourself and STOP being so hard on each other.
Shut down the club, membership is too hard to obtain anyway....