Wednesday, October 16, 2013

31 Days - Praying with my husband

Today, I am contributing to my 31 day challenge.  (I'm failing my 31 day challenge, by the way - crashing and burning). But, none-the-less, I will continue to appreciate my pastor husband in honor of Pastor Appreciation month when I am able to get something written down, or in this case, typed out  Today, with the house silent, while littles sleep, I will write about the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS I CAN DO FOR MY HUSBAND - really, it's the most important thing we can ALL do for our husbands -


Pray for your husbands, because men are called to be someone they could never have the strength to be on their own.  They need our prayer - covet our prayers.  Today, this is my prayer for my husband......

Jesus, I thank You for the way you've shaped and gifted my husband for the work he is able to do. Help me to support his work and praise him specifically for what he does. Plant in him a vision for how his gifts will build Your Kingdom and serve others. Impress upon him the desire to be faithful with his gifts, using them fully. Protect him from discouragement, stress, dishonesty, and sluggishness so that all he does might bring praise to Your name....

Protect him from anyone who wants to do evil against him and the ministry he has been called to. Protect him from those who want to see him fail. Protect the ministry of this church against those who speak negatively and also speak untruth.  Lord, I pray for the truth of your word to cover any ugliness happening behind the scenes.  Help him focus on the good you are doing rather than the work Satan is getting away with in the hearts of those who want destruction and not new life. Allow the flock he is shepherding to learn from him and continue to grow and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Give my husband strength for the super task he has ahead of him.  He has been called by you into this ministry, he has been obedient with his calling, and he is wants what you want for your church. Amen.

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